How to Make a Great First Impression in a Job Interview
You’ve heard the old proverb, you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression, right? As college student in search of a dream internship or a grad […]
Top 5 Social Media Mistakes
One thing to consider as you prepare to make a move to temporary digs for your first summer internship in New York: your online reputation matters. The internet has a […]
How to Deliver a Winning Elevator Speech!
How to Deliver a Winning Elevator Speech! Imagine yourself in the elevator at you summer internship and who should join you for a ride to your floor but the CEO […]
How to Write a Great Resume
How to Write a Great Resume! Scoring a summer internship in New York City is just the beginning. From the outset, your internship can be more than just a line […]
Negotiating a Great Offer (And Why You Should!)
Tips on Negotiating a Great Offer (and Why You Should!) Project yourself into the near future, to that moment when all of your hard work from your summer internship in […]
Turning Internships to Careers
How to Turn Your NYC Internship into a Full-Time Career! One of the reasons, if not THE reason, to invest three months of your life into a demanding summer internship […]
5 Things No One Tells You About Internships
Five Things No One Tells You About Summer Internships In a few short weeks it’ll be intern season and thousands of ambitious students and recent grads will dive into summer […]